World Book Day is a chance for young people to bring their favourite literary worlds to life, and staff and learners across R.E.A.L. did not disappoint in their transformations.
All R.E.A.L. sites joined in the fun, but it’s fair to say those at Underwood went all out with their fictional costumes.
This meant Cruella De Vil, Willy Wonka and Where’s Wally were all in the same room, which is a sight you don’t expect to see.
Hannerlore Southern, Site Lead Teacher said: “We had a fabulous day celebrating World Book Day! Everyone had to be on their toes, dodging wizarding duels and trying to catch Gangster Granny who was out to pinch some pearls whilst Cruella was out dognapping!”
Don’t worry though, no dalmatians were turned into fur coats on the day!