Advocating high ambition, enabling education, business and training partners to work in synergy in a controlled and mutually supportive environment.
To develop lasting relationships with companies to create ‘real life’ experiences and opportunities to inspire R.E.A.L students and give these young people a supported transition into the world of business, commerce and further education.

Act as mentor for one of our students.

Come and be one of our ‘mock interview’ team.

Provide a work placement experience.

Talk to students about career opportunities with your profession.

Use our facilities for a reduced rate.

Have access for your employees to our training programmes.

Support developing further educational links.

Develop a relationship that can lead to identification of potential new employees for your company.
Linking with genuine industrial partners allows R.E.A.L. to plan individual progression plans for students that enable them to function within a working environment, develop intellectual, emotional and social skills that will see them develop into fully included adults.
Our current partners have extensive experience in developing successful businesses, are sensitive to market needs and realize that young people possess an array of talents that can be nurtured to enable them to contribute to a successful business.

For further details or to arrange a meeting please contact Martin Heartfield on or 07411223221