Our calendars may differ from Local Authority calendars, if you are unsure about the holiday pattern please contact the student’s Learning Manager.

Nottinghamshire holiday pattern

REAL Holiday Pattern 2024 / 25

If your child is attending the following provisions, they generally follow the R.E.A.L. Nottinghamshire holiday pattern.

RIS Mansfield

R.E.A.L. 1:1 Provision

Leicestershire holiday pattern

REAL Leicestershire Holiday Pattern 2024 / 25

If your child is attending the following provisions, they will follow the R.E.A.L. Leicestershire holiday pattern.

RIS Hinckley at Hinckley or Nanpantan site

R.E.A.L. 1:1 Provision at Nanpantan or Hinckley site

Vocational Provision holiday patterns

If your child attends one of our Vocational Provisions only, they will generally follow their schools Local Authority calendar i.e. Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire or Leicestershire. Please check with us directly if you are unsure.