Are you one of those people that holds onto items or a keen throw-awayer? Either way there’s not many people who may have a houseful of items that date back almost 100 years!

Mr Straw’s House is a National Trust property and has remained mostly unchanged since the Straw family moved in back in 1923.

Claire Wallett, Teaching Assistant, and her learner, McKenzie, recently visited the house as part of an engagement lesson. Claire said: “The Straws were a very wealthy family and McKenzie got to see how the rich lived 100 years ago! 

Their best clothes were worn on mannequins, very smart suits and dresses. There was a bottle of sherry and two glasses still laid on the table and newspapers and letters were piled high as Mr Straw never threw anything away.”

Claire added: “McKenzie really enjoyed looking at how items have changed over the years and decor styles, there were still tins of Heinz soup and Quality Street and Roses! He also loved being able to read little fact postcards around the house.”

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We are sure the website will help people to get to know what R.E.A.L. stands for and learn more about the wealth of provision we can offer.”

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