In this ever evolving world it is hard for parents and carers to stay ahead of everything Online Safety related, to help ensure a young person is safe online at all times.
At induction, all learners will be asked to agree to a set of responsibilities around their thoughtful and reflective use of ICT (Information Communication Technology). We follow this up with an interactive and fun Online Safety course, which we call our R.E.A.L. Digital Defence award. Achieving this status, demonstrates that a learner is working at greater depth and has developed high standards of awareness for key Online Safety themes and issues.
We twin this proactive approach, with targeted action, where students need more guidance to stay safe. For example, R.E.A.L. Education Learning Managers are able to offer advice and support, as well as coordinating sessions for learners around specific elements of Online Safety.
In addition to this, R.E.A.L. has a parent group that meets regularly and offers training and support to families, if you would like to know more please look at the tab on our website, or would like to find out when the next meeting is please feel free to speak to your child’s Learning Manager.
Our DSO (Designated Safeguarding Office) with specific responsibilities around Online Safety is Stephanie Broughton. Please use the Contacts page of this website if you wish to speak with our Online Safety DSO.
Below are some websites to give you some additional advice and to help you keep everyone safe at home.