Since the start of 2022, R.E.A.L. set a goal to encourage learners to read more and to help improve the provision for reading across R.E.A.L. 

Michelle Farr and Chris Newman, Joint Heads of Quality of Education, as well as the rest of the leadership team would like to thank all staff for their amazing commitment to doing this.

Michelle said: “We would like to thank our staff for allowing us into sessions and encouraging learners to talk to us about their experience of reading at R.E.A.L, this is incredibly powerful!”

“It’s really encouraging that all staff recognise the important role that reading plays in accessing other areas of the curriculum and how important it is that our learners leave R.E.A.L. being able to read well. We appreciate all of the fantastic work that has been going on at all sites and within sessions to develop the love of reading.” 

“Staff have been going to great lengths to find books that match their learners’ interests and have been planning set-times for reading in every session.  As a result, learners have become more confident in reading aloud and talking about the books that they have enjoyed”.  

Deputy Heads and Learning Managers have been reading Harry Potter books daily online for learners and this means that all of our learners are being read to daily. It has also been really positive to see staff delivering the Phonics International Programme for those learners who require it.  As a result, one year 10 learner, who has been accessing a 20 minute daily phonics intervention for four weeks, has incredibly made the equivalent of nine months progress during that time.

Michelle said: “Reading will continue to remain a school improvement priority next academic year and we will work hard to embed all that we have started this year.”