The role of a school governor is about making a difference that contributes to positively supporting young people’s futures.
We recently sat down with Sarah, who’s one of ten governors at R.E.A.L. and joined in 2020.
Sarah said: “Being a governor is a privilege, we get to see all the amazing things that happen at R.E.A.L. Independent Schools.”
Governors at R.E.A.L. offer support to the directors and school leadership team, including reviewing and evaluating data, supporting appointments and keeping up to date with regular training.
Sarah said: “We essentially act as a critical friend. We get information about the learners’ progress and successes, as well as the things they are finding difficult so we can ask questions that encourage the leaders to reflect on what they are doing, and identify how they could make it better.”
Sarah explained before she joined R.E.A.L. she was a senior leader in both a specialist and mainstream school, as well as being a staff governor in three schools too.
She said: “I have lots of experience of school leadership and meeting with governors, although from being on the other side and being questioned by them! Many of our governors have been or are governors for other schools, so we have a good understanding of how to offer the appropriate levels of support and how to challenge.
“At the last Ofsted inspection the inspector commented that we have a very experienced group of governors. Meeting with Ofsted gives us an opportunity to show how closely we follow the learners’ progress, whether that’s exam results, improved attendance or behaviour, or developing a new skill. We are all really proud to be part of the team that supports learners to achieve.
“We all believe that every child has a future, and seeing the successes that the learners achieve is heartwarming.”