Learners across various R.E.A.L. sites have been exploring identity as part of the thematic curriculum for this term.
The theme has been studied in English, Science and Art lessons, with each exploration resulting in a creative piece of work.
In English, learners enjoyed making collages to explore their identity; whereby learners wrote about themselves and cut out images of some of their favourite things. Learners were also encouraged to keep a journal as part of work linked to the theme.
Maria Poyser, Site Lead Teacher at R.E.A.L. said: “The journal idea was for learners to express themselves in different ways. One of our learners finds art a great source of inspiration, her work is amazing and she painted this beautiful mountain portrait.”
Learners at our Concorde House site also created a huge piece of ‘doodle-style’ art work, that celebrates all of the individuals that create R.E.A.L.’s school community and contributes to our schools’ identity as a whole. This is a working piece of art and we will continue to add to it. The work will then be showcased within the Concorde House site for the rest of the year.
At our City Hub site, learners engaged in a STEM activity around identity and designed t-shirts and baseball caps. Some students created a design and stylised tag that meant something significant to them.
Maria added: “The learners really enjoyed expressing themselves in this way and loved having the opportunity to personalise the t-shirts and baseball caps. They are really embracing the identity theme.”